
Showing posts from September, 2020

This is why I Journal

I have mentioned this earlier, that my mind is a mess. And I am constantly looking for ways that I can simplify things in my life and keep it simple. I organise my belongings if I see they are shattered here and there and I will take time to plan my days if I know there are a lot of things which need my attention.  By doing this, my work and student life stay put and my anxiety levels are low. But when it comes to my personal thoughts and my insecurities there is only one system that really works and that is Journaling. Yes, you can surely talk to your friends about how your day went but that feels like sharing your thoughts and not reflecting on them.  Journaling is a peaceful activity. And you don't have to be a writer to start journaling. You can be as naive or lame or anything you want to be when you journal. I have seen that I have much more clarity on my thoughts when I journal vs when I don't. All you need is a pen, a notebook and 15 minutes. How to Journal...

My take on minimalism

  As simple as it sounds yes, knowledge is the first thing I would like you to have. What is minimalism? Why is it like this? What are its benefits and how can you start becoming a minimalist? Dig deep in, read a lot of books and read articles and think about minimalism day and night. No, chill, I am just joking. The only thing you should properly know about adopting this lifestyle is why do you want to do it. What makes you think that stuff doesn’t make you happy in the long run like it makes others happy.  To be honest I am not that far in this journey too. I am a 19-year-old teenager presenting this on the basis of my love for minimalism and the fact that I want to share it with whoever wants to read it. We all carry unnecessary things in our bag. We hoard items which are in our rooms for years and haven’t been used. And it is affecting us. In ways which we don’t see. We are planning to get jobs because we want to buy the new latest expensive phone. Live the best of life, e...