Guide To A Minimalist Bullet Journal

You see we think the people who organise stuff are organised but no the people who are messy are the ones who organise because they feel the need to do it. But as much as bullet journals organise your life I feel they make a person more productive. Your bullet journal holds you responsible for the things you do in your life. It makes you do stuff more prominently than you would otherwise. It is called a journal because it again is something you reflect on. That book is more than your daily to-do list. It holds everything important in your life. Every event, every task and every idea. There are a lot of bullet journaling methods. And after trial and error, I have found the one which works for me the best. And I am very sure that my method won't work for you maybe. So experiment a little if you want to or keep it really simple. The choice is really yours. How to bullet journal you ask? I am gonna tell you just that! The Fundamentals Of Bullet Journaling Bullet journaling...